9 Unit, 3 Storey Walk-Up 

This development stands strong on the street face of a highly visible corner whilst sensitively responding and contributing to its surrounding built environment. The building fabric is detailed to offer a strong composition when viewed from a distance and intricacy of detail at the scale of the passer-by.
The 3-bedroom apartments on the corner are positioned to offer a front face onto both streets and create both a visual connection from living areas and an appropriate level of privacy for the families.

The site was previously home to just 2 families but will now be constructed to provide a home for 9 new families. This development offers 9 off-road car parks, 3 of which will be accessible, and a secure cycle parking will be provided onsite for the families.

A rich yet muted palette of materials has been selected to create an apartment building of residential character, with articulation and detail suitable to its location and context. The building footprint steps in and out towards the street boundary creating strong and changing shadow lines and variability of the pedestrian interface. This is grouped and settled by a strong singular roof form that ties each element together into a cohesive form.

The weighty appearance of brick mass is overlaid with visually lighter balcony stacks. These balconies are themselves overlaid with a more delicate screening element that brings detail and further interest to the façade while balancing visual privacy and visual transparency for residents - desirable on a busy street.